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Digital Politics with Karen Jagoda

Welcome to the non-partisan Digital Politics Podcast with Karen Jagoda.  Since 2007, this show has highlighted impact of new technologies on the campaign landscape, how expectations of voters are changing, role of online fundraising, digital and traditional means of persuasion and getting out the vote.  In this time of the COVID-19 Pandemic, changes in the behavior of voters, restrictions on candidates and the new normal for retail politics are all under the microscope.

Popular topics on the show include best practices for political and advocacy campaigns, ground game strategies, cross-media advertising, social media trends and impact of mobile on engaging supporters. 

This weekly podcast includes interviews with political consultants, media strategists, journalists, advocates, candidates, elected officials, campaign managers, and solution providers.


Digital Politics Podcast with Karen Jagoda has been included in the Feedspot 70 Best Non Partisan Podcasts worth listening to in 2023.      Check out the list here







Mar 28, 2016

Rena Shapiro, VP Politics and Advocacy, BuzzFeed explains the innovations that BuzzFeed offers to allow political campaigns to target voters with content that is engaging, shareable, and available as well on Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and other social media.



Mar 24, 2016

Joe Camacho, Chief Marketing Officer, SABIO Mobile on why mobile ads are the most cost effective way to reach Millennials and Hispanics, why political consultants are slow to use new ad formats, and types of mobile ad units and calls to action that work for candidates.


Mar 16, 2016

Somerlyn Cothran, Cothran Development Strategies and founder and president, National Association of Political Fundraisers talks about the rise of small donors, techniques for fundraising, and setting professional standards for political fundraisers.



Cothran Development Strategies


Mar 10, 2016

Alexander Edwards, President, Strategic Vision reveals details from recent research about car buying habits of Republicans and Democrats and how it can inform targeting voters, trying to figure out what motivates Independent and cross-over voters, and the future of party affiliation.


Mar 7, 2016

Patti Russo, Executive Director, Women's Campaign School at Yale University suggests that men and women generally decide to run for very different reasons, overcoming the fundraising challenges women face, and seeing the trend of younger women running for public office.


Women's Campaign School at Yale...