Sep 30, 2015
Simon Sidi, Founder and Executive Producer Politicon, an unconventional convention for political junkies scheduled for October 9 and 10 in Los Angeles talks about the convergence of politics and entertainment and his plans for a new event for people across the political spectrum who want to have fun and learn about the...
Sep 25, 2015
Shaun Dakin, Dakin Associates on why email still matters for political and advocacy campaigns and why we aren't seeing any email from Donald Trump.
Sep 22, 2015
Shaun Dakin, Dakin Associates on introduction of a new button on Facebook that shows dislike or empathy for bad news and tips for driving traffic to a Facebook page.
Sep 21, 2015
Paul Westcott, Director of Marketing and Business Development, L2 Political talks about the value of mapping and visualization of voter data to reveal unexpected patterns of voting, which variables are most predictive of voting behavior and value of mobile app to create smart walk lists.
Sep 20, 2015
Shaun Dakin, Dakin Associates on whether the Twitter partnership with Square will bring in new donors for political campaigns as voters watch events in real time.